laboratory diagnostic - testing and comparison - biological samples and assessment reports - quality control - internal - hormones and tumour markers - MANUAL - Immunoassay Control Level 2, lyofilized, 1x3ml, Target-limits provided for following analytes: 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D, Anti TG, AFP, Amikacin, Angiotesin, Amytriptyline, Aldosterone, Acetaminophen, Androstenedion, ACTH, CEA, C-Peptide, Cortisol, Caffeine, Cabamazepine, Digoxin, DHEA, Estradiol, FSH, Free Estriol, Folate, Ferritin, Gentamicin, hGC, b-hCG, Insulin, Iron, IgA, IgG, IgM, IgE, LH, Lithium, Lidocaine, N-Acetyl Procainamide (NAPA), PSA, Free PSA, Prolactin, Progesterone, Procainamide, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital, Salicylate, Testosterone, T3 Total, T4 Total, T3, T4 Free, T3 Free, TSH, Thyroglobulin, Tobramycin,TBG (Thyroxine Binding Globulin), Theophylline, Vancomycin, Valproic Acid, Vitamin B12, code L23IC1083 (L23IC1082-2), todylaboratories®